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jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Estudiante de un instituto de Texas es expulsada por negarse a portar un chip RFID. 1984 es Ahora.

A student in a Texas school district has been told she is to be expelled for refusing to wear a student ID badge that essentially places her in an “electronic concentration camp.”

“Regimes in the past have always started with the schools, where they develop a compliant citizenry,” John Whitehead, president of the Rutherford Institute said. “They are getting students used to living in a total surveillance state where there will be no privacy, wherever you go and whatever you text or email will be watched by the government. This is where everything is headed.”


*Ya ha comenzado el chipeado en EEUU, dentro de poco en vez de preguntarnos el nombre nos scanearán como al ganado además de conocer hasta el último detalle de lo que hacemos en nuestra vida privada.

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